“Development of intermodal logistic centers in Albania and explore possibility of ICT connections among them”
Objective: The overall objective of the study is development of intermodal transport in Albania.
The aim is to create the conditions for a sustainable growth and remove the lacks of the current development of intermodal transport on more levels (in this case we can talk about the Motorways of the Sea system) within the region.
The study had three major tasks:
Task 1: Development of intermodal logistic centers in Albania.
This task is focused on the enhancement of the actual assets of the transport network and selecting the most feasible projects to invest in, creating a priority ranking. In terms of freight transport, one of the priority actions to be undertaken is the establishment of a complete network of multimodal hubs where the freight flows can be organized, hence optimized.
Task 2: Proposal of advanced ICT tools, to improve logistic performance connections through the logistic centers.
This task is focused on the nine basic categories of IT tools supporting intermodal transport, each of them contains a detailed description. Within each category, detailed inventories of ICT tools available on the market have been carried out in accordance with the structured as:
- Load calculator;
- Intermodal Route Planner;
- Freight Exchange;
- Logistic Platform / Electronic Transaction Platform;
- Multi Depot Management System;
- Transport Management Systems;
- Terminal Operation System;
- Supply Chain Management;
- Port Community Systems.
There is a wide range of ICT solutions supporting the process of communication and management in the industry. These include a wide scope of management support - from location tracking, internal and external communication to handling management, mode selection and spare capacity.
Task 3: Designing the Pilot Action of developing the ICT communication platform among the users and logistic centers in Albania.
By assessment of the Albania Logistics Sector, the Pilot Action will be better to focus on the Tirana-Durres Corridor, as the main freight traffic flow. A collaboration platform can be a helpful tool to boost the competitiveness of the Albanian industry, creating an array of opportunities for all stakeholders.
An analysis of key indicators will be carried out during the Pilot Action in order to identify growth opportunities going forward. These indicators, will monitor and analyze through the data analytics module and the pilot project helpdesk taskforce, defining as follows: