Durres Port Authority, through the pilot action, will create two modules which will be administered by DPA and will also serve other public or private entities operating in the port. These modules will serve for real-time planning, integrated management of port operations and business processes.
1. The PC CORE APPLICATION MODULE was installed on the test environment platform at the end of October and its parameterization continued throughout November 2022. The PCS Core Application must store all information passed through the Message Broker/Controller and entered through the PCIS web tier to the database system (RDBMS). Display information related to PCIS and implement all the required business logic, supporting the processes covered by PCIS. The data source for the PCIS core application is the messages exchanged between members of the port community via the Message Controller (PCS Integration Platform), which are recorded in the database (RDBMS). The PCS Core application should be designed as a 3-tier WEB application, separating the Presentation, Business and Data layers into components that perform their dedicated functions.
2. SHIPS AND CARGO MODULE. Application module for ships and cargo in PCS
The solution required by PCS software should provide users with various vessel tracking options to view and examine vessels in waiting, vessels in port and vessels that have departed. After the registration of the ship, the system must have an integrated procedure (flow work) for the management of the ship that will serve to guide the ship's agent, port dispatcher, port operations or other entities related to the management of the stay process of the ship in port to fulfill all formalities and requirements for the ship's stay.
The agent must initiate the vessel visit/arrival record by submitting the notification letter electronically, including the following information regarding the arriving vessel: (Vessel Name, Arrival Date, Arrival Time, Vessel Flag, Number of the IMO ... etc). In addition to the standard reports, the bidder must develop two new reports specific to the port community for demonstration and adaptation purposes.
The Vessel & Cargo module began installation in early January 2023 and became operational at the end of this month.
A preliminary work flow for ships and goods in the Port of Durres has been defined and part of its operation is being verified in the field.