5th Coordination Meeting and 6th SC Meeting between the partners of EFINTIS project took place on 06 October 2022, and they were hosted by “Autonomous Agency for Hospitality and Tourism of Termoli” in Termoli.
The Project Leader, Port of Bar JSC, introduced WPM and presented the status of activities implemented so far. The main topics of the work package management and its deliverables were presented. Afterwards WP coordinators had presentations: WPC was presented by Durres Port Authority, WPT1 by Albanian Institute of Transport and WPT2 by Autonomous Agency for Hospitality and Tourism of Termoli.
The activities carried out so far, managerial and technical details of the project development were discussed and tasks were assigned for their further development. Crucial issues were tackled: 2nd reimbursement, current situation with PPs pilot actions, etc.
Finally, all project partners agreed to ask for project extension and agreed to have the next meeting in Albania in December 2022.